Research grants

Johan Jansson Foundation awards annual grants to various research projects, and contributions to the Foundation goes directly to research without any administrative costs. Researchers who receive financial support for their research reports annually to the Board the results obtained.

In total, the Foundation has during the years 1998 to 2021 given 14 million SEK for research.

In 2022 840 000 SEK was disbursed to 11 researchers:

Andersson, Daniel
Protein analysis of tumor material in the blood from FET sarcoma patients

Berger, Christina
Livskvalitet efter genomgången djup infektion vid ortopedisk kirurgi för sarkom

Dolatabadi, Soushila
Cell transition and Drug resistance in Human sarcomas at the single-cell level

Filges, Stefan
Ultrasensitive mutation analysis of ciculating cell free tumor DNA in sarcomas

Jonasson, Emma
Heterogeneity and cell fate decisions in myxoid liposarcoma development

Micallef, Peter
Two-tailed PCR for detection of fusion oncogenes in fluid samples

Runnberg, Rickard
Telomerbiologi i FET-onkogen-orsakade sarkom

Vannas, Christopher
Mechanism of HSP90 inhibitor responses in FET-oncogene sarcomas

Wennergren, David
Utvärdering av kirurgisk behandling av angiosarkom

Österlund, Tobias
Identification of patient-specific mutation in sarcoma using NGS

During 1998 – 2021, SEK 14 million was divided among an average of 10 researchers / year. In addition, 5 handicap-equipped cars were loaned and 2 driving license courses were paid. In addition, 5 Volvo station wagons were loaned on a yearly basis to disabled young people, who thereby gained a much better quality of life.
